What services does VinCo has to offer?

The services of VinCo focus on companies (your work situation or your organization) and individuals (your home situation).

VinCo is specialized in companies with administrative processes. Services Consultancy Click Here! Click Here! Click Here!

For our service you'll receive always first an offer based on the topics we discussed during the intake. See approach for more information. Click on one of the above services for more information.

Do you want insights in the costs? Click here to go to rates.

Process management
When is the service process management a good choice?
  • If the working stocks incur and large buffers arise.
  • When frequently missing deadlines.
  • If there is a lot of data redundancy or many things are done twice (eg retyping).
  • If unnecessary long delays occur between process steps.
  • If there are frequent changes in working methods.
  • If important documents het lost.
  • If there is a lot of sick leave (due to high workload, stress).

Starters package
With a starter package we go to work at your place (home or workplace) for two days to work with the request for help. A short intake on the first day determined what we will concretely address. At the end of the second day we will have a short review and prepare a brief roadmap. Optionally, you can extend this package with a comprehensive roadmap to get started on your own (additional cost depending on the needs).

Optionally, this package can be expanded with custom services, a separate offer for this option (Rates subject to customer demand) will be made.

Maintenance package
The maintenance package prevents you from falling back into your old habits. New habits take time to learn. This package ensures that you look back and forward once per quarter (one day):
  • What is going well?
  • What can be improved?
  • What do we do to help?
  • What are the next steps?