Getting Started with VinCo!

First contact
The first contact with VinCo will take place via telephone or e-mail. The customer is then contacted by VinCo to clarify the demand of the customer. Usually an appointment will be scheduled for an interview.

If customers want to join forces we will come over for an intake, without any obligation. During the interview the question will be inventoried, what needs there are and the situation will be analyzed. Together we create an action plan.

The offer
Based on the plan we create the quote, which you receive within a week containing the offer, the price and the preliminary planning.

Upon acceptance of the offer (which is valid for one month) we are going to plan, actually implement and review the proposed plan and make the plan final and we really get to work.

This we make at the end of the process where we look at what the original question was and the result that we have achieved. We also agree on the follow-up actions. After the job is done we won't let you go out alone. We make-together with you - agreements - how many times we'll come back to make possible adjustments and make sure that you do not fall back into your 'old' habits.